this painting was so much for me. i've made one for my daughter, niece and friend's daughter. it's pretty easy to do. all you need is some acrylic paint, ribbon, yarn, glue gun and scrap fabric (or anything scrappy will do, i'm not picky).
i started off by lightly drawing the girl's face ,hairline and torso, then you want to paint the face and shirt. i added some reddish lips and pretty eyelashes with the acrylic paint.
i painted the shirt (do whatever color pleases you) and added the pretty ribbon across the shirt. i let that dry completely.
starting at the top of the head i started hot glueing the yarn (trying to in a certain direction that the hair would lay) all the way down to the ear area and the rest i let hang. try to glue each strand side by side until you are satisfied with the shape of the head.
when that is completed, i used scraps of fabric and cut out a flower shape and glued it to her hair.
my daughter loves this painting because it's wall decor and she loves when i take it down and she can play with the hair. you can also have a place to keep hair clips and all that good stuff.
have fun!