This is it. My next step. Creating my own blog for my own creations and I am so excited. As some of you may know, I have another blog,, that I share stories about everyday life and the adventures of being a mommy. Originally, I was going to have this blog at wordpress, but felt MUCH more comfortable with blogspot. What can I say? I am a creature-of-comfort! Welcome everyone and I want to tell you a little bit about my passions.
I love to create. I've been this way since I can remember. I particularly like to create jewelry, paint on canvases and paint keepsake boxes. This is my escape from the busy life of a 32 year old mother of three. I find joy and peace in taking something and making it beautiful. To see something in someone's house or on themselves and say "I made that". Cool. I love to see people's reactions when I give them something that they absolutely appreciate. My love to you. Everything I create is made with love and has been inspired by something in my life. I believe that everyone and everything has a story. That is what makes you and me unique. I want this to be a place that I share ideas and share a little bit of what makes "me". Welcome, friends. I hope you can stay a while and have coffee.
ummm yeah, that red necklace with the blue beads....MINE! hehehehehe